Es un laboratorio de la Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales
Guedes LM, Aguilera N, Ferreira BG, Riquelme S, Sáez K, Becerra J, Pérez C, Bustos E, Isaias RM (2019) Spatiotemporal variation in phenolic levels in galls of calophyids on Shinus polygama (Cav.) Cabrera (Anacardiaceae). Jornal of Plant Research 132: 509-520
Ver Publicación Ver Publicación en PDFGuedes L, Aguilera N, Ferrerira BG, Becerra J, Sáez K, Pérez C, Isaias RM (2018) Factors influencing the morphogenesis of galls induced by Calophya mammifex (Calophyidae) on Schinus polygama (Anacardiaceae) leaves Botany 96: 589-599.
Ver PublicaciónGuedes L, Aguilera N, Ferreria BG, Becerra J, Isaias RM (2018) Anatomical and phenological implications of the relationship between Shinus polygoma (Cav.) (Cabrera) and the galling insect Calophyn rubra (Blanchard). Plant Biology: 20: 507-515 DOI: 10.1111/plb.12696
Ver PublicaciónAguilera N, Guedes LM, Becerra J, González L (2017) Is autotoxicinty responsible for inhibition growth of the new conspecfic seeding under the conapy of the Acacia dealbata Gayana Botánica 74 (1) 1 - 14.
Ver PublicaciónGuedes LM, Aguilera N, Becerra J, Hernández V, Isaias RM (2016) Leaf and stem galls of Schinus polygamus (Cav.) Cabr (Anacardiaceae): anatomical and chemical implications. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 69: 266-273.
Ver PublicaciónAguilera N, Sanhueza C, Guedes LM, Becerra J, Carrasco S, Hernández V (2015) Does Acacia dealbata express shade tolerance in Mediterranean forest ecosystems of South America? Ecology and Evolution 5 (16) 3338-3351.
Ver PublicaciónAguilera N, Becerra J, Lorenzo P, Villaseñor-Parada C, González L, Hernández V (2015) Effects and identification of chemical compounds released from the invasive Acacia dealbata Link. Chemistry and Ecology 31 (6) 479-493.
Ver PublicaciónAguilera N, Becerra J, Villaseñor-Parada C, González L, Hernández V (2015) Allelopathic effect of the invasive Acacia dealbata Link (Fabaceae) on two native plant species in south-central Chile. Gayana Botánica 72 (2) 231-239.
Ver PublicaciónAguilera N, Guedes LM, Becerra J, Baeza C, Hernández V (2015) Morfological effects at radicle level by direct contact of invasive Acacia dealbata Link. Flora- Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 215: 54-59.
Ver PublicaciónDirector Dr. Narciso Aguilera, e-mail:
Investigadora Dra. Lubia M. Guedes, e-mail: